Sustainable business operations through collaboration

Berdal has been working on more future-proof business operations since the 1990s. To make a real impact, we have to look beyond our own organization. Topics such as sustainability, circularity and corporate social responsibility do not stand alone, but provide opportunities and challenges throughout the entire chain. By working together and learning from each other, we take employees, suppliers and partners to a higher level.

Code of Conduct

Code of conduct

We have therefore drawn up a new Code of Conduct. This code of conduct outlines the (minimum) conditions that we want to comply with in our chain. It describes the principles and values that apply to Berdal. We expect direct and indirect suppliers to respect this code of conduct. This requires cooperation between suppliers and their partners. We provide support to suppliers to improve their operations and implement corrective actions.

Based on the themes of people, environment and business ethics, we show what concrete actions we take when it comes to ethical behavior.

Berdal code and peopleĀ 

At Berdal we promote a healthy lifestyle for our employees. For example, by discouraging overtime and encouraging cycling. At Berdal, all employees have equal opportunities, rights and obligations. Regardless of gender, race or religion. We do not do business with organisations that violate these values. We strive for a healthy, safe and fair working environment within our supply chain. We also expect our suppliers to treat their employees fairly and with respect.

Berdal code and the environment

To take steps towards a circular economy, we choose fully recycled materials wherever possible. In this way we reduce waste flows and promote the reuse of waste materials. We take the environmental impact of our production and processes into account with every investment and policy choice. For example, with our internal transport, which is fully electric.

Our procedures for waste management, hazardous materials handling, emissions and wastewater treatment meet the minimum legal standards. Suppliers must also comply with environmental permits and take responsibility to prevent damage to the environment.

Berdal code and business ethics

A guiding principle in all activities and decision-making processes at Berdal is the promotion of ethical behavior. From encouraging fair competition to combating bribery. Privacy and protection of data of suppliers' employees are also discussed.

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Code of Conduct


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Debugmode actief

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  • Dependency Injection
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  • Geladen thema: Berdal
  • Gevonden thema's: Berdal

  • Modules (actief): News, Events, Jobs, Macros, Theme, Forms Queue Emails, Social embed