Shortening the supply chain

By shortening the supply chain, packing products smarter and reducing the number of packaging operations, we reduce our CO₂ emissions. Since 2017, for example, we have increasingly been delivering decentralised, avoiding transport movements from a central warehouse to shops and shops. We are constantly looking for the shortest and most efficient route to a final destination. For example, we supply relations from Denmark from our own logistics centre in Poland. For new contracts with transport partners, we make agreements on reducing emissions and further optimising the supply chain.

Kortere Supply Chain
Heftruck Transport

Sustainable supply

We also look critically at logistics flows in the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products. For instance - despite cost increases - we decided to have several semi-finished products produced in the Netherlands instead of in Spain to reduce the pressure on logistics and the environment.  We also started to electrify our own fleet of vehicles. Sales & sales promotion staff, management and board will switch to hybrid or fully electric driving as much as possible.

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The well-being of people is at the heart of Berdal. This is reflected in encouraging a good work-life balance and healthy habits.

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Raw materials

We aim for a high-quality range of rubber and plastic products and concepts consisting entirely of renewable raw materials. In this way, we achieve joint successes with as little environmental impact as possible.

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Debugmode actief

Logisz.Core.Framework versie:

  • Connection string (zonder wachtwoord):,1433;Database=sqldb-berdalcom-staging;User ID=berdalcom_Mv2mTcm4qB11wUVKHnSd7S2KQ81V91;
  • Host:
  • ServerRoot: C:/home/site/wwwroot/
  • Dependency Injection
    • Attribute Injection AAN
    • Dynamic Resolving UIT

  • Geladen thema: Berdal
  • Gevonden thema's: Berdal

  • Modules (actief): News, Events, Jobs, Macros, Theme, Forms Queue Emails, Social embed