Berdal forced to adjust prices in 2021

The year 2020 will go down in history as a tumultuous year. Covid-19 is causing unrest within our industry. In spite of this, Berdal has provided the stable and reliable service that our clients have come to expect from us, even in these times.



Despite the favorable price development on the raw materials market, we are seeing an increase in various costs in the areas of energy, transport, raw materials, labor and the environment. In order to continue providing our high-quality service, we are forced to increase some of our prices in a few product groups as of 1 January 2021.

These are the price adjustments:

Gripline buckets  2,0%
Gripline tubs and bins  1,5%
Premiumfol EPDM products  2,5%
Pandser EPDM products  2,5%
FENTO knee pads  2,0%
Gripline knee pads  2,5%
Gripline rubber hammers and sledgehammer caps  1,5%


We trust that these necessary price adjustments can count on your understanding. Our account managers are always available for further clarification.



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